As a Canadian company we understand the Canadian mindset and regulatory environment. Hence, we always design solutions with that Canadian-centric perspective as a starting point.


Startick works closely with wealth management firms, brokerages, credit unions and banks on leading edge solutions. Whether it's omni-channel client technology or robo-advisor interfaces, Startick has the insights for success.


StarTick consults integrated resorts, airlines, television, music and web media facilitating better market force awareness. Helping tweak business models as a result of digital convergence challenges are a Startick specialty.


Our solutions are designed and built for easy of use, quick setup, and customizability. We also practise rapid response deployment strategy in order to always stay a step ahead.



As a Canadian company we understand the Canadian mindset and regulatory environment. Hence, we always design solutions with that Canadian-centric perspective as a starting point.


Startick works closely with wealth management firms, brokerages, credit unions and banks on leading edge solutions. Whether it's omni-channel client technology or robo-advisor interfaces, Startick has the insights for success.


StarTick consults integrated resorts, airlines, television, music and web media facilitating better market force awareness. Helping tweak business models as a result of digital convergence challenges are a Startick specialty.


Our solutions are designed and built for easy of use, quick setup, and customizability. We also practise rapid response deployment strategy in order to always stay a step ahead.



Some might call what we do disruption prevention or proactive deployment. To do so, Clayton Christensen's disruption theory must be thoroughly understood. Does your firm truly understand how disruption works and what to do about it?


Disruption comes from slow growing improvements with lower inherent costs within products that move upstream to beat the incumbents with superior economics. As CK Prahalad (the father of core competency) once wrote, there is “fortune at the bottom of the pyramid.”


Not all special innovations are "disruptive". Sustaining innovations also facilitate higher profits. There is though a lower ceiling. That point of diminishing returns can be identified preventing poor asset allocation or overshooting demand.


Asking customers, though unhelpful in identifying potential disruption, is quite useful in developing sustaining innovations. That's where a robust user experience dashboard is vital. Because user experience needs to be the business of the c-suite, not just marketing.



We will help you figure out where your opportunity is. And we do this not only through the challenge-driven workshops, but with ongoing online learning. This end-to-end learning process is highly immersive and experiential leading to true revelations and change.


We follow that organization learning with additional support through more revealing monitoring dashboards (real-time BI). We’ll then take all of this insight to help you build a better customer experience helping you modify your customer interfaces (online and offline).


We’ll help you build on that customer experience with new applications or entirely new ones to go after new markets. And we’ll help you target and reach these new customers by designing marketing campaigns with authenticity and iconic campaigns.


We’ll also reveal latent value within your organization that could be spun out as new products for adjacent markets. And some of these new opportunities could be high value platform product opportunities.



We will help you figure out where your opportunity is. And we do this not only through the challenge-driven workshops, but with ongoing online learning. This end-to-end learning process is highly immersive and experiential leading to true revelations and change.


We follow that organization learning with additional support through more revealing monitoring dashboards (real-time BI). We’ll then take all of this insight to help you build a better customer experience helping you modify your customer interfaces (online and offline).


We’ll help you build on that customer experience with new applications or entirely new ones to go after new markets. And we’ll help you target and reach these new customers by designing marketing campaigns with authenticity and iconic campaigns.


We’ll also reveal latent value within your organization that could be spun out as new products for adjacent markets. And some of these new opportunities could be high value platform product opportunities.